Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology

Author Guidelines

Aims and Scope

Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology (CPE) is the official Journal of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and is published quarterly. Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they contribute to the progress of the field of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, with relevance from infancy through adolescence, and that they have not been or will not be published elsewhere except in abstract form.

Editor-in-Chief: Tatsuhiko Urakami (Nihon University, Japan)
Editorial Board

Manuscript Types

CPE accepts both original clinical investigations (‘Original Article’) and ‘Case Report’ of significance to the field of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism. Authors may also submit a ‘Short Communication’ requiring rapid publication, ‘Mutation-in-Brief’ reporting a novel mutation(s) together with a brief clinical background as well as the uncharacterized polymorphism, and ‘Letters to the Editor’ pertaining to articles already published in CPE. Relatively short reviews on a current topic may appear as a ‘Review’, and clinical guidelines as a ‘Special Report’.

Editorial Policy

All submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed. The editor-in-chief assigns an editor-in-charge from the Editorial Board, and the editor-in-charge first determines if a submitted manuscript should be rejected without review or sent for peer review. If the manuscript is sent for peer review, the editor-in-charge will select one or more reviewer(s) and make a decision on the deposition of the manuscript. The editor-in-chief reserves the right to request revisions be made to the manuscripts according to the reviewer’s and editor’s comments and to make the final decision on the acceptance of the manuscript. If accepted, the manuscript shall not be published elsewhere in the same form in either the same or any other language, without the consent of JSPE.

Manuscript Form

Manuscript Preparation

1) Title Page

The title page should contain (1) the title; (2) the full names of the authors; (3) department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed; (4) a running head (not exceeding 40 characters including spaces); and (5) the name, affiliation(s) with full address, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Authors should indicate the paper category (Original Article, Case Report, Short Communication, Mutation-in-Brief, Review, Special Report, or Letters to the Editor) in the upper left corner of the title page. 

2) Abstract

The abstract should be comprehensible without reference to the text, and the use of abbreviations should be avoided whenever possible. The abstract for an Original Article, Case Report, Review, or Special Report are limited to 200 words. An abstract is not necessary for a Short Communication, Mutation-in-Brief, or Letter to the Editor.

3) Highlights

The journal requires Highlights. Highlights capture the key messages of your manuscript, such as novel results and new methods. Highlights should be formatted as 3 bullet points (up to three for Case Report) with no more than 80 characters, including spaces, per bullet point. One highlight figure can be accepted.

4) Key words

Five or fewer key words should be listed below the abstract. Authors are encouraged to choose appropriate key words for a concise description of the paper contents.

5) Text

Original Article, Case Report, Review, and Special Report should not exceed 20, 16, and 20 typed pages, respectively, including references, figures, and tables.
Short Communication should not exceed six typed pages and a total of three or fewer figures and/or tables and ten or fewer references.
Mutation-in-Brief should not exceed three typed pages and a total of one or two figures and/or tables and five or fewer references. 
Letters to the Editor should not include more than 300 words and three references.
The text of Original Article, Case Report, and Short Communication should be divided into the following sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Patients and Methods or Materials and Methods, (3) Results, (4) Discussion, (5) Conclusion, and (6) Acknowledgments. The text of Mutation-in-Brief should include the following sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Case Report, (3) Mutation Analysis, (4) Discussion, and (5) Acknowledgments. The text of Review and Special Report should be written with concise subheadings for easy reading.

6) References

Number references in parentheses sequentially in the order cited in the text, not alphabetically. The accuracy of reference data is the authors’ responsibility. 
List all authors, but if the number exceeds six, give the first six authors followed by et al. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus.
Examples of the reference style to be used are given below. Further examples can be found in
“Uniform Requirements” of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Articles in Journals
Nakagawa Y, Nakanishi T, Satake E, Matsushita R, Saegusa H, et al. Postnatal BMI changes in children with different birthweights: A trial study for detecting early predictive factors for pediatric obesity. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 2018;1:19–29.

Books and Other Monographs
Hibi I, Tanae A. Final height in Turner syndrome with and without gonadal function. In: Rosenfeld RG, Grumbach MM, editors. Turner syndrome. New York and Basel: Marcel Dekker; 1980.p.163–81.
Bradly EL. Medical and surgical management. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1982. p.172–8.

7) Tables

Tables should be cited in the text. Each table should be given a number and a brief informative title and should appear on a separate page. Explain in footnotes all abbreviations used. Vertical lines should not be used in tables, but a minimal number of horizontal lines can be used.

8) Figures

Figures should be cited in the text and should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. All figure legends should be provided separately after the references. Crop photomicrographs to show only the essential fields. If illustrations from previous articles or books are to be used in papers submitted to CPE, the written permission from both the author and publisher must accompany each illustration. Color figures and illustrations can be published.

9) Supplementary Material

Supplementary Tables, Figures, and Movies may be published as digital appendices.
As Supplementary Material is peer-reviewed, authors must submit it in its final form as part of their manuscript submission. Supplementary Material should be less than 50 MB.
The following file formats can be accepted:

MS Word documents .doc or .docx
MS Excel Spreadsheets .xls or .xlsx
MS PowerPoint presentations .ppt or .pptx
Images .jpg, .gif, .tiff
Portable Document Format documents .pdf
Video .avi, .mov, .mp4 or .wmv

Online Release after Acceptance

1) Text editing

All manuscripts from authors whose mother tongue is not English will be subject to text editing. The results of text editing will be sent from the editorial office by e-mail, and the authors are requested to supply the final revised version of the manuscript.

2) Proofs

Proofs (PDF version) will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail, unless an alternative method is requested on the title page of the manuscript. They should be carefully checked and returned to the editorial office of CPE within 10 days of receipt.

3) Publication fees

Extra page charges: The Journal publishes papers free of charge unless the paper exceeds 6 printed pages. The charge for each extra page is at present 5,000 JPY.
There are NO additional color charges.

Informed Consent, and Ethics of Experimentation

Studies on human subjects should comply with the ethical standards of a responsible committee on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964, as revised in 2013. A statement is required indicating that the ethical committee of the respective institution or hospital approved any studies involving human experimentation and/or genomic DNA analysis that were undertaken for the purpose of research rather than as diagnostic tools. The statement should be indicated in the manuscript with its approval number and the date of its publication.
Photographs of study subject(s) in which the subject(s) can be identified may be published only when photographic presentation is an essential part of the article, and the authors provide a statement indicating that written informed consent was obtained from the subject(s) and/or the subject’s parent(s).
Photographs of study subject(s) in which the subject(s) cannot be identified may be published when the authors provide a statement indicating that written informed consent was obtained from the subject(s) and/or the subject’s parent(s).
For informed consent, use the form for each affiliation, and the written informed consent should be kept in each affiliation.

Clinical Trials Registry and CONSORT Statement

When submitting papers related to clinical trials, the clinical trial information must have been publicly registered before the trial started in a clinical trial registration system.
For Japanese authors: University hospital Medical Information Network - Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR) in Japan or the Japan Medical Association, Center for Clinical Trials (JMA-CCT) - Clinical Trial Registration.
For Non-Japanese authors: WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)

Randomized controlled trial (RCT) papers shall conform to the revised CONSORT Statement. The CONSORT Statement: Revised Recommendations for Improving the Quality of Reports of Parallel-Group Randomized Trials. JAMA 2001; 285, 15: 1987–1991.
Please access the Consort Website.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure (COI)

When submitting a manuscript to CPE, all authors are required to disclose any financial relationship (within the past three years) with any biotechnology manufacturer, pharmaceutical company, or other commercial entity that has an interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript.
Self-reported potential conflict of interest disclosure statement should be uploaded during online submission. Each author is required to complete and return this form to the corresponding author. The COI Form should be converted into a PDF file and uploaded as Supplementary Files. COI Forms will be securely managed in accordance with the procedures of the CPE Editorial Office.

General Preparations for First Submission

-- Author Information (Authors’ details should be registered in the system, including their e-mail addresses)
-- Cover letter (Should include the authors’ wish that the article be evaluated for publication in CPE and list the title and all authors’ names)
-- When manuscript files are uploaded, the file formats listed below are acceptable:

* Files with the following extensions are not accepted (exe, com, shs, vbs, txt, htm, html, zip).
* The file name should consist of half-width alphanumeric characters only, e.g., “author_1st.doc.”
* The maximum total file size that can be uploaded by authors is 20 Mbytes.
* Files for figures: each figure needs a label. The best way to make figure data clearer and smaller in size is by pasting Tiff or JPEG data into WORD with a label (e.g., Fig. 1.) and then saving as a PDF. For PowerPoint, make sure the data are made using A4 paper size.
-- Preferred reviewers and non-preferred reviewers (Full names and e-mail addresses).
-- Signed Self-reported Potential Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure Statement (Please upload as a Supplementary File)
-- Signed Authorship, Copyright Transfer Form (Please upload as a Supplementary File)