The following and other commonly recognized abbreviations can be used without definition.
Otherwise, abbreviations must be defined the first time they are used in each article.
adenosine 5’-monophosphate | AMP |
adenosine 5’-diphosphate | ADP |
adenosine 5’-triphosphates | ATP |
adrenocorticotropin | ACTH |
androgen receptor | AR |
arginine vasopressin | AVP |
base pair | bp |
calcitonin | CT |
chorionic gonadotropin | CG |
complementary DNA | cDNA |
complementary RNA | cRNA |
corticotropin-releasing hormone | CRH |
3’,5’-cyclic AMP | cAMP |
dalton(s) | Da |
day(s) | d |
deoxyribonucleic acid | DNA |
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium | DMEM |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay | ELISA |
estradiol | E2 |
estrogen receptor | ER |
ethylenediamine tetra-acetate | EDTA |
fetal bovine serum | FBS |
fetal calf serum | FCS |
follicle-stimulating hormone | FSH |
free fatty acids | FFA |
glucocorticoid receptor | GR |
gonadotropin-releasing hormone | GnRH (LHRH) |
growth hormone (somatotropin) | GH |
GH-releasing hormone | GHRH |
GH-release inhibiting factor (somatostatin) | SRIF (SS) |
guanosine 5’-monophosphate | GMP |
guanosine 5’diphosphate | GDP |
guanosine 5’-triphosphate | GTP |
GTP-binding protein | G protein |
half-time | t1/2 |
N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2-ethane sulfonic acid | HEPES |
high-performance liquid chromatography | HPLC |
hour(s) | h |
insulin-like growth factor I | IGF I |
insulin-like growth factor II | IGF II |
interleukin | IL (e.g., IL-1, IL-6) |
international unit | IU |
intramuscular(-ly) | im |
intraperitoneal(-ly) | ip |
intravenous(-ly) | iv |
luteinizing hormone | LH |
liters per mole | M-1 |
log of the odds | LOD |
loss of heterozygosity | LOH |
median effective dose | ED50 |
messenger RNA | mRNA |
mineralocorticoid receptor | MR |
minute(s) | min |
molar (moles per liter) | M (e.g., 0.1 M, not M/10) |
molecular weight | mol wt (not used with daltons) |
month(s) | mo |
normal (concentration) | N (e.g., 0.1 N, not N/10) |
not significant | NS |
nucleotide | nt |
number | no. |
open reading frame | ORF |
oxytocin | OT |
parathyroid hormone | PTH |
peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor | PPAR |
phosphate-buffered saline | PBS |
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase | PI3K |
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis | PAGE |
polymerase chain reaction | PCR |
probability | p |
prolactin | PRL |
prostaglandin | PG |
protein kinase A (or cAMP-dependent protein kinase) | PKA |
protein kinase C | PKC |
PTH-related peptide | PTHrP |
Radioimmunoassay | RIA |
reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction | RT-PCR |
ribonucleic acid | RNA |
second | sec |
sex hormone-binding globulin | SHBG |
sodium dodecyl sulfate | SDS |
standard deviation | SD |
standard error | SE |
standard error of the mean | SEM |
Student’s t test | t-test |
subcutaneous(ly) | sc |
testosterone | T |
5α-dihydrotestosterone | 5α-DHT |
thyroglobulin | Tg |
thyroid hormone receptor | TR |
thyrotropin | TSH |
thyroxine | T₄ |
3,5,3’-triiodothyronine | T₃ |
3,3’,5’-triiodothyronine | rT₃ |
transfer RNA | tRNA |
transforming growth factor | TGF |
tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane | Tris |
TSH-releasing hormone | TRH |
tumor necrosis factor | TNF |
vasoactive intestinal peptide | VIP |
vitamin D receptor | VDR |
volume | vol |
week(s) | wk |
weight | wt |
wild-type | WT |
year(s) | yr |
Steroids should be named according to the rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and International Union of Biochemistry (IUPAC) (Pure and Applied Chem.1989; 61: 1783–1822).
The following trivial names for steroids, however, may be used without definition: